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Financial Reporting ABC Analysis and Weightage of Marks

The Financial reporting subject is known for its depth and complexity, which can overwhelm students with its deep concepts and vast syllabus. This subject needs a deep understanding of accounting principles, practices, and standards. 

This subject focuses on preparation, presentation, and analysis of financial statements. Also, this subject provides a comprehensive view of a company’s financial health and performance. 

Financial reporting is very challenging, but it’s manageable with the Bhagya achievers guidance because we provide students with all the details of the subject so that they can crack that subject easily.

To know about the financial reporting ABC analysis and weightage of each topic, they can make their study plan according to that.

CA Final Financial Reporting ABC Analysis and weightage of marks

Chapter No

Chapter Name



Ch -11: IND AS 109

Ind AS on Financial Instruments

Category A


Ch -12: Ind AS 103

Business Combinations


Ch -13; Ind AS 110

Consolidation Procedure for Subsidiaries


Ch -13; Ind AS 28

Investment in Associates & Joint Ventures

Ch -13; Ind AS 111

Joint Arrangements

Ch -5; Ind AS 115

Revenue from Contracts with Customers


Ch-6; Ind AS 102

Share Based Payment



Analysis of Financial Statements



Professional and Ethical Duty of a Chartered Accountant



Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting under Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)


Ch-6; Ind AS 116 


Category B


Ch-6; Ind AS 36 

Impairment of Assets

Ch-10; Ind AS 33 

Earnings per Share


Ch-6; Ind AS 23 

Borrowing Costs


Ch-8; Ind AS 19 

Employee Benefits


Ch-9; Ind AS 21 

The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates


Ch-9; Ind AS 12 

Income Taxes

Ch-10; Ind AS 108

Operating Segments


Ch-3; Ind AS 7

Statement of Cash Flows


Ch-7; Ind AS 20 

Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance


Ch-14; Ind AS 101 

First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards

Category C



Accounting and Technology


Ch-6; Ind AS 16

Property, Plant and Equipment


Ch-3; Ind AS 1

Presentation of Financial Statements


Ch-4; Ind AS 113

Fair Value Measurement


Ch-3; Ind AS 34 

Interim Financial Reporting


Ch-7; Ind AS 41



Ch-8; Ind AS 37 

Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets


Ch-6; Ind AS 40 

Investment Property


Ch-6; Ind AS 105

Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

Ch-6; Ind AS 2 



Ch-6; Ind AS 38 

Intangible Assets


Ch-4; Ind AS 10

Events after the Reporting Period


Ch-4; Ind AS 8

Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors


Introduction to Indian Accounting Standards


Ch-10; Ind AS 24

Related Party Disclosures



How to prepare Financial Reporting with self-study?

  • Collect the latest edition of the CA Final study material, like revision modules, textbooks, and question papers. You can get all this study material from ICAI study material.
  • Review the syllabus and understand the weightage of each and every topic so that you can make a study plan accordingly.
  • Practice Accounting Standards as much as you can because the weightage of this topic is quite high.
  • Make handwritten notes which include keywords, important topics, and so on. By doing this, you can revise easily during exam time.
  • Watch online video lectures and classes that supplement your self-study.
  • Seek guidance from online mentors if you have any doubt related to any topic during self-study. You can buy the Bhagya Achievers mentorship plan, which is specially designed to help students who are doing self-study.
  • Do revision on a daily basis and practice a wide range of questions before the final exam
  • Before calculation, write formulas and draw tables for practical questions for better presentation.
  • Stay consistent in your study because it helps you to develop better focus and concentration.
  • Attempt mock test papers and previous test papers on a daily basis because this helps you to analyze your performance. 

Practicing Bhagya achievers mock test papers is really helpful. Our test series helps students to analyze their weaknesses so that they can work on them.

Is it necessary to take coaching classes for financial Reporting?

Ultimately, the decision to take coaching classes or not is a personal choice, but taking coaching classes is not mandatory to pass the CA Final Financial Reporting subject because the CA course is a correspondence course that provides all the necessary study material and resources to prepare for the exam. 

Also, ICAI provides free coaching classes, which students can access through the BOS knowledge Portal or ICAI – BOS Mobile app. By doing self-study with dedication and hard work, you can definitely pass the exam. Always remember, self-study means self-empowerment. 

If you decide to take coaching classes, then make sure to choose a reputable institute with qualified teachers and a proven track record of success.

Best Books for Financial reporting subject

There are many books available in the market, it is important to pick the right one to practice for the CA Final exam. Bhagya Achievers helps you to choose the correct book. To know more about the books, check out the below table.


M.P. Vijay Kumar

Accounting Standards (D.S Rawat)

ICAI Study material

ICAI Practice Manual

CA Praveen sharma Accounting Standards & INDAs

DS Rawat



For clearing CA Final Financial Reporting, it is necessary to practice daily, stay consistent, work hard, and so on. 

Enroll in the Bhagya Achievers CA Final Test Series to check whether you are fully prepared for the exam or not. Also, this test series is specially designed to overcome the challenges not only in the Financial reporting subject but also in other subjects of the CA Final level.