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How to avoid negative marking in competitive exams?

Nowadays, in every competitive exam, negative marking is the biggest hurdle. The reason behind negative marking is a wrong answer. Due to the negative marking in competitive exams, a large number of students are not able to clear the exam. This article is all about tips and tricks to avoid negative marking in competitive exams so that they can clear the exam without any hurdle.

  • What is Negative Marking in Competitive Exams?

In every competitive exam, negative marking is usually used to penalize test takers for incorrect answers. In the negative marking system, 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer, which can affect the overall score of the exams. However, there is no negative marking of unattempted questions

It is necessary to understand how to tackle negative marking and to be well prepared for the exam.

  • Reason behind Negative Marking

Negative marking in competitive exams is like “playing games without using any cheat codes”. All competitive exams follow the negative marking scheme. The main aim of negative marking is to eliminate the examiners.

In competitive exams, there are a limited number of seats available for which thousands of candidates compete. Authorities used negative marking to eliminate candidates who have a lack of adequate knowledge, skills, and confidence for the exam.

Every year, due to negative marking, thousands of students lose their selection in the competitive exams. In this article, we will provide you some tips to avoid negative marking and increase your chances of success in the competitive exams.

According to the recent survey, which is based on candidate’s opinions, 60% of candidates will not attempt that question in which they are unsure? However, students who will attempt all the questions, whether they know the answer or not, and students who may or may not attend such questions depending on their performance are 9% and 31%, respectively.

  • Tips to avoid negative marking in competitive exams:

Skip those questions in which you are not confident: Primarily, candidates should attempt those questions for which they are fully confident and then proceed towards those for which they are unsure in the competitive exam. 

By skipping those questions in which they are not fully confident, they can be helpful in minimizing the impact of negative marking. To maximize the chances of securing a higher score, it is necessary to make a balance and attempt a reasonable number of questions. 

Avoid Guessing Answers: 

Guessing the answers is the most common mistake that students make when taking competitive exams. In such situations, if students have doubts and are unaware of the answer regarding a particular question, then it is advisable to leave it unattempted rather than guesswork because it reduces the overall score in the competitive exam. 

Read all the questions carefully

Candidates usually feel stress and anxiety during competitive exams, which leads them to make silly mistakes. Due to the pressure of time, candidates speedily answer the question without understanding it and in that case they mark the wrong answer, which leads to negative marking. It is important to complete the exam in the given time, but it is also important to read and understand the questions before attempting them.

Avoid answering in the last minute:

It is advisable for every student to use time wisely during competitive exams and give the last 10-15 minutes for checking. Try to avoid answering in the last moments, as it leads to making more mistakes in a rush. Instead of answering questions in the last, use this time for rechecking all the answers.

Answer easy questions first: 

Candidates read all the questions carefully to examine the section/question in which they are accurate. If they answer the simpler questions first, it will not only boost their confidence but also spend more time on tough questions. This method will help you to identify which questions to skip in the competitive exam.

Take risks:

It is not necessary to answer all the questions. They should only focus on those questions in which they are confident. After calculating, if their answer is not there in the options then it is advisable to take calculated risks by choosing that option that is close to the calculated answer.

Candidates might not answer enough questions to meet the sectional cutoff for the bank exam if they do not take such calculated risks. In addition to this, candidates can also use the eliminating method in taking calculated risks.

Practice mock tests and previous year question papers: 

By giving mock test papers and solving previous year question papers, help students to understand the examination pattern. This helps students to familiarize themselves with the format, question types, and overall structure of the competitive exams.

In addition to this, practicing mock test papers and previous year question papers helps to identify areas in which they are weak and make more mistakes so that they can overcome them and not repeat the same mistakes during the actual exams. 

  • Key takeaway:

To achieve success in the competitive exams, it is necessary to minimize the impact of negative marking. While preparing for the exams, it is advisable to choose study material wisely and get guidance from the mentors about how to cover the syllabus, how to tackle tough questions, and so on.

To avoid negative marking in the competitive exams, it is advisable to follow all the above points and increase your chances of success. 

Do not let negative marks hold you back from achieving your goals. With the help of hard work, the right strategies, and preparation, clear your exams and achieve your goals.

  • Clear your exam with the Bhagya Achievers Test Series:

  • Bhagya Achievers not only provide mock test papers but also help you to clear bank exams with ease by providing proper guidance
  • We provide mock test papers which are similar to the actual exams.
  • Bhagya achievers provide practice test papers for both prelims and mains exams.
  • We provide good quality questions and a detailed solution, which will help you to clear your doubts.
  1. FAQs

Qus1. How many marks are deducted in negative marking in the Competitive exam?

Ans. 0.25 marks are deducted as a negative marking in the competitive exam.

Qus2. What is the procedure of negative marking in the competitive exam?

Ans. Candidates get 1 mark for every correct answer and 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. It is important to note that there is no negative or unattempted answer.

Qus3. What is the purpose of negative marking in competitive exams?

Ans. The main purpose of negative marking is to discourage random guessing and make sure that you truly understand the material.

Qus4. Should I attempt all questions if there is negative marking in the exam?

Ans. No, if you are unsure about the answer then leaving 3-4 questions won’t matter much.

Qus5. How to avoid negative marking in the competitive exam?

Ans. To know about how to avoid negative marking in the competitive exam read the full article carefully.